Template colors tab


The Template Colors tab on the Selection toolbar allows you to quickly modify the main colors of the complete Web site. These template colors are common to all the pages of a project. So you can adapt the site to your company colors by customizing them.

It is possible to change the colors for a single page. It is also possible to customize the templates by changing particular colors.


Change the colors of all the pages of a site

You can use this function with the templates provided with Web Creator. To access these templates, click on the File/New/New project menu item. The New project window is displayed. Choose a template in this window. Click on OK.

To change the colors of all the pages in the project, in the Selection Toolbar, click on the Template Colors tab. In the Style window, click on the list and choose another set of colors. The modification is instantaneous. It will be applied to all the pages of the model as they are loaded for editing.



Customize the colors of the Web site

To adapt the Web site to the colors of your company, create your own palette of colors. In the Selection Toolbar, click on the Colors Template tab. In the File zone, click on the Palette Manager button image\ebx_-190454640.gif. The Palette selection window is displayed.

Click on the New Palette button to create a new palette of colors. Give it a name. Then select it and click on the OK button.

Back in the Selection Toolbar, in the Color template tab, you can change the primary, secondary and other colors of your custom palette. Click on the name of each color you wish to modify. Click on Primary Color, for example. The image\ebx_-1533790785.gif Color window is displayed. Select a:


Style: It is possible to change the color palette of a template by choosing any palette from the list. It may take a few seconds to apply all the new colors.

It is also possible to change each individual color. Click on the right. The Color window and a color picker are displayed so you can extract a color anywhere on the screen. This function is very useful to harmonize your site with your company's colors.


Files: image\ebx_-190454640.gif Using the palette Selection manager, you can manage the created color palettes. Moreover, you can modify the transparency for each color. Click on the expand icon image\ebx_-1291218906.gif in front of the name of each color, then specify the value of the transparency.