Line Creator


Create lines, arrows, dotted lines with shadow effects, gradients or transparency:

Lines can be used to create sections and subsections and to create a hierarchy within your content. Use arrows to link information (text and image for example) and to add visual dynamism by guiding the eye towards important elements.



Use the Preview pane to see the result. Choose the line's width and the type of line (full line, dotted, dash and dots, etc.) Pick the shape of the line's edges (square, triangle or round).

Add a shape to one or both ends to create an anchor or arrow.



Choose the color, angle, height and blur of the shadow.

The shadow gives some depth to elements, creating a visual hierarchy and adding a professional touch to your website's design.



Pick a Start and End color to create a line with a color gradient. You can set transparency for each color.

For a monochromatic line, simply pick the same color twice.